Winter Survival: Kids in the House Edition
How to Survive the Winter with Kids in the House.
It’s officially “winter is a marathon, the holidays are over, the weather is nasty, and the kids are sick of being cooped up” season here in Ohio… and we love every minute of it. Just kidding. Seriously kidding.
To help combat the winter blues (as much for ourselves as anyone), we have decided to focus on fun activities for you and your kids this month. Here are six activities for you to do with your kids this week!
P.S. All of these actives will be better if your phone is on airplane mode, at the least. Maybe even turned off and in another room.
1. Have a coloring contest.
This doesn’t necessarily need to be a contest, obviously.
2. Bake cookies.
Involve your kids in every step of the process. Let them make suggestions on what to add or subtract. This is not something that needs to be Instagram beautiful. This is about enjoying your kids.
3. Complete a puzzle.
4. Make a paper airplane.
This can be a great contest as well, depending on the ages of your kids. Youtube has some tutorials on different types of airplanes.
5. Go for a ride.
I feel like my generation has lost this as an activity, probably because the novelty of driving has worn off and been replaced with a sense of dread. Listen to a story book or music and just enjoy a slowish pace.
6. Download Free Printable ACTIVITIES
We have been creating activity sheets for your kids to work on, and they are free! Click on this link and help yourself to a download or ten, and then print those pages on your home printer. These are all tested by our very own Jack and Kate:).
Good luck!!
P.P.S. Keep checking back as the month goes on for more free printable downloads and blogposts with activities for your kids!