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The To-Don't List

The To-Don’t List

I recently came across the concept of the “to-don’t” list… and I’m dying to integrate it into my life.

What is a to-don’t list?  Exactly what it sounds like.  Warren Buffett once said, "The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.”

I’ve been called an entrepreneur, but that’s hardly the truth.  I just have a hard time saying no to  a good opportunity.  Fixer upper houses? A local coffee shop that needs new owners?  A web-based design company?  High school choir needs a conductor? I can’t help myself.  Cue the to-don’t list.

Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

  • No new hobbies this year. (Focus on the ones you already enjoy)

  • No social media on my phone.

  • No phone until 2 hours after I wake up.

  • No screen time after 7:00 pm.

  • No sugar.

  • No news sights that make me anxious.

  • No coffee after noon.

This isn’t compresensive, obviously. Maybe it’s totally different then the list you would start with.  Either start saying no.

In the end, a no is actually a yes.  A yes to focus in on the things that you really want to do.  The to-don’t list isn’t bondage, it’s freedom.